Thursday, February 21, 2013

Pregnancy, Pregnancy Everywhere. Just Not One For Me....

Is there something going around in the water?  Everyone seems to be about to pop a baby out, has just announced that they're expecting, or is in some various month of pregnancy.  I don't get it!  What am I missing?  I know that I was just pregnant...but am I the only one that miscarried recently?  Maybe I am just very sensitive to the subject at the moment.

I only told need to know people that I was pregnant, because I have lost before and feared that I would lose again.  And yet, here are people announcing their pregnancies while watching the line change on the pregnancy test.  I thought that 50% of all pregnancies ended in miscarriage... well, I think the numbers are WAY off then.  None of my Facebook friends have lost their precious little babies... just me.  

Honestly, since the day I was scheduled for this miscarriage, there has been no less than 12 pregnancy announcements on my Facebook.  Not to mention the amount of celebrities that have announced their pending bliss... Kim Kardashian for crying out loud! Heck, she couldn't  even handle not losing her kitten! What is she going to do with a baby?  

Another thing that is killing me is how many women are complaining about their pregnancies!  "My boobs hurt so bad!"  "I hate morning sickness!" "This peeing all of the time is getting SOOO old!"  Etc., etc. etc. Really girls?!  I know several of us who would relish in having swollen ankles, peeing all of the time, throwing up, and all of the miseries of pregnancy... Because that would mean that AT LEAST WE WOULD BE PREGNANT!

So how about instead of complaining about pregnancy, suck it up and be happy that at least you are having a baby.  You got to see/hear that heartbeat on the monitor, you were able to see you baby on the ultrasound, you WILL get to hold your baby in your arms.  I DIDN'T.  I never even got to say hello.  I will never know if they had their Daddy's eyes, or their Grandmother's hair, or my love of books.  Some women don't even get to experience the loss of a miscarriage, because they haven't been able to conceive...yet there you sit whining about your "miserable" pregnancy.  

I would give anything just to see a placental sac filled with SOMETHING! I wish every day to see the one ultrasound image that has eluded me... a simple little heartbeat within a growing body. And I know there are others out there in she same boat as me.

So for all of you mommies and soon-to-be mothers out there.... Hug your children because you were blessed with them, or enjoy your pregnancy instead of treating it like a burden.  Be respectful of your God (or whatever your beliefs) given gift, because many of us would give up almost everything to be in your shoes.  Not only that, but we will graciously come to your baby showers, Christenings, 1st birthday parties with a smile on our face.  We will love your children and be happy for your blessings, even though it hurts us, deep down, to be denied that same joy for ourselves.  

I know this was a bit of a temper tantrum, but another month has gone by in my life and another conception has not happened.  

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