Monday, April 1, 2013

Rising From The Ashes...

Just a quick forward... This post does contain a bit about religion, and even some alternate though... In case you are not comfortable with this topic.

Happy belated Easter to All of the Christians, and Happy Belated Passover to all of the Jewish population; for all the rest that may read this blog... I hope that you are entering the month of April happy and healthy.  For my household, Easter was a quiet event, with a few giggles here and there, that just happened to contain a small epiphany for me. 

This is what had me cracking up.
As I have mentioned before, my husband works out of town.  So, with our recent trip to Florida, it meant that we had to be separated for this holiday weekend.  Hence, the pretty quiet weekend; it was just my Mom, the fur-babies, and me.  Not to mention, the house had a stomach bug (even the animals had upset tummies).  Needless to say, there was a lot of Pinteresting, television, books, and Facebooking going on.  

The fun part of the weekend came early on.  My mother happened to come across quite a funny meme on Pinterest.  It definitely made me laugh.  Nothing like being able to find a bit of humor in a crappy situation!  I also found some great projects that I can't wait to try, as soon as we have a new home to try them on.  On top of it all, I saw some great Easter and inspirational pins on Pinterest... and saw some of them again on Facebook.

Here is a stained glass window
of Jesus and Mary Magdalene
that can be found on the Isle of
Mull in Scotland. Notice the swollen
My epiphany came later in the weekend, but at least one came.  I happen to be friends (and not just her "like" page) with my favorite author on Facebook, Kathleen McGowan.  Some of her posts can really bring life into focus for me.  Because of the Easter holiday, she was posting up bits of her book The Expected One on her page, and adding a bit of a more recent perspective to the excerpts.  Kathleen's book is about the relationship and marriage between Mary Magdalene and Jesus.  It is an amazing book, and she has put decades worth of research to her work.  Anyway, she recently lost her husband, Filip (a.k.a. Philip) Coppens, to cancer.  Some may have known Filip from his work on the History Channel's Ancient Aliens.  Kathleen's posts this week had a lot of reflection on better understanding the trials of the Magdalene following the death of Jesus, how Mary had to keep moving forward with her life and spreading the word of her husband; and how Kathleen's own widowhood has affected how she sees her own work.  In simple terms... Life cannot stop after tragedy.  

After seeing Kathleen's posts and thinking about Jesus's Resurrection, it lead me to a new train of though.  Spring.  Spring, like the resurrection, is a time of rebirth.  Plants begin to regrow, animals come out of hibernation, new animals are being born, and life begins anew.  Autumn may be a time of shedding the dead weight and Winter is the time of slumber,  but Spring is the time that the world come back to life after being dormant.  As a phoenix rises from the ashes, so does the Earth come back to life from the cold.  

All of this led me to the thought that this is my time to rise from my own proverbial slumber.  It's time to begin anew.  Every day may be the first day of the rest of our lives, but this weekend is a fine reminder that as a human, with freewill, we always have the ability to pull ourselves up from tragedy.   I know that this thought may seem obvious to most, and I have already told myself that I need to move on.  But, reflecting on the events of Easter has put my emotions and freewill into better perspective.   I know it's not easy, and I know that I will struggle (and I already have been struggling)... but if I don't rise from my own ashes, I may not be able to achieve my dreams.

Once Again, I have no intention to offend anyone with any discussion about religion.  I believe in accepting all people from all cultures and religions.  This is just my beliefs, and my epiphany.  Love to all!

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