Sunday, February 24, 2013

Internet, Gaming, and Social Media! Oh, My...

There is so much technology in the world today! Cell phones, Computers, Gaming Consoles, Tablets, etc., bring us endless entertainment, and many people close together.  My family, like most, is constantly interacting with the world through such methods as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, XBOX, and so forth.  It keeps us in touch with those we don't get to see all of the time, and meeting people that we might never know through any other means.

Because of technology and social media, my family has new friends all over the world... From Australia to Washington (America).  It's a pretty interesting thing.  All of this technology amazes me!  Though sometimes it's a real pain in my derriere.  Between the people bragging about their lives on one hand and the drama fest on the other, I feel as if I'm constantly bearing witness to a soap opera (Missing All My Children).  It is also the perfect place to either boost one's confidence or drudge up all of your insecurities... depending on the posts you see that day.  I choose to stay pretty quiet with the status updates most of the time, but I do put an occasional complaint or ego boost on my status once in a while.  Recently, Facebook has been a constant reminder of my losses, so I have been trying to avoid it as much as possible.  

A perfect example for why I have been avoiding most interactive social media occurred just yesterday.  I logged on and saw WAY TOO MANY pregnancy posts; from belly pictures and ultrasound photos, to baby name discussions and complaints about babies kicking.  I avoid the parenting boards on various sites so I don't have to read about this stuff, now I'm hiding from Facebook for the exact same reason.  And instead of whining about it on Facebook, I began this blog.  I wanted to save all of my friends from hearing me complain and cause drama.  I wanted somewhere to post my opinion and feelings out into the world, without tying up other peoples home screens.

Another social media site that has become a huge factor for many people is Pinterest.  I think my mother has an addiction to this site!  Every image, every meme, every outfit, every website... you can find it on Pinterest!  Go in, set up your boards, and pin away!  I have found many useful ideas on Pinterest, from how to build a chicken coup to the perfect cheesecake recipe.  I have found many helpful miscarriage blogs and conception after loss websites through Pinterest too.  Another perk is, by searching for specific things, I can avoid baby and pregnancy stuff...unless I am in a mood to see those types of pins.  Rarely can Pinterest put me in a bad mood...It's pretty much my happy place.

One form of technology that I would like to break into tiny pieces, most of the time, is my husband's XBOX.  I think he would play on that machine for at least 16 hours a day if I wasn't there to throw a tantrum.  Without fail, I will try and sneak in a bit of cuddle time, yet there he is... controller in hand, headset on, completely immersed in whatever game he happens to be playing.  Not to mention, just about the time I persuade him to get off of the game, one of his gaming buddies comes along and i have lost him for at least another couple of hours.  The only thing the XBOX is good for is when I want to go shopping, and I don't feel like hearing my husband whine after just 30 minutes at the mall.

I know technology has it's high points, but some days I wish I could just escape to a simpler place.  A place where I do not have to take part in the goings on of the modern world.  Those are the days that I try and sneak away, and indulge my soul into a different time and place; a place that can only be found in a good book.

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